Australia Immigration - Discover the opportunities

At the moment, Australia takes 2nd place among all countries of the world in terms of living standards. High salaries, relatively inexpensive housing, social conditions – all this makes the country attractive for immigration. However, Australia has a reasonably clear policy in this regard – a specially designed immigration program ensures the influx of really needed people into the country.

An independent or professional immigration program allows people who are of interest to Australia to become immigrants as professionals. This immigration program compares favorably with others in that you are not required to have relatives in Australia or to sign a work contract with an Australian employer.

If you have a higher or secondary specialized education, and your specialty is included in the list of professions in demand, you and your family can apply for permanent resident status in Australia. The family consists of a husband/wife and unmarried children under 18 years of age.

In some ways, the independent immigration program to Australia is similar to the Canadian program, but when compared, it has some significant advantages. Firstly, the requirements for applicants are softer. Secondly, it is not necessary to transfer money to the account to prove financial viability, making the program accessible in the absence of significant funds. And thirdly, the duration of the immigration process to Australia is 6-12 months (according to the Canadian program – up to 3 years). An Australian citizen’s passport enables Visa-free travel practically around the world.

There are various work visas in Australia for people wishing to come for temporary and permanent work in Australia.

Work Visas provides the opportunity to work legally in Australia in a specialty on a permanent or temporary basis. The period of work depends on the type of Visa chosen. Some permits are issued only once; others can be obtained several times in a row.

A work Visa can be one of the ways to immigrate to Australia. In some areas of production, there is an acute shortage of qualified specialists, and often employers first invite the employee they need temporarily, and then they are ready to extend the contract and sponsor it for a permanent Australian visa.

A job invitation is not enough to obtain an Australian work visa. Your potential employer must first obtain permission to sponsor the Department of Immigration, nominate you for a specific position, and only then can you apply for a visa.

Since this process is rather complicated, not every employer agrees to act as a sponsor, especially if he is not personally acquainted with a potential employee.

Migration Zone is here to help you with all your immigration plans to Australia.

Migration Zone represents the interests of employers and workers, accompanying the process at every stage. For some professions, we offer employment services and the search for a sponsor for an Australian work visa.

We will help you obtain a temporary or permanent work visa, and your employer will go through all the stages of obtaining permission, authorizing a regional commission, nominating an employee, and submitting a visa application.

Migration Zone caters to your visa requirement needs by providing expert advice and guidance on the application process. Whether you are a first-time visitor or want to live or work in Australia, We offer free visa assessments and guide you through each step of the application along with conducting an individual or family check to see whether you meet the relevant criteria for an Australian visa.

Please book a consultation with us today to explore your Visa options. During the consultation, we’ll be able to provide personalized advice based on your unique circumstances.

We are competent and specialized in processing primary visa applications and evaluating applications for all forms of Visas, but we do much more than that.

Our dedication to you passes beyond just handling your Australian visa application online. Migration Zone offers information and guidance on costs of living, job opportunities, housing, health care, and other critical aspects. We operate as partners in your migration to Australia, advising you on several complex issues that may arise when you settle in a foreign country.

We offer expert advice on immigration and Australian visa application assistance in all areas and forms of Australian visas to clients from all corners of the country wanting to enter or live in Australia – whether on a temporary or permanent basis. At Migration Zone, we aim to make your immigration process to Australia very easy and stress-free.